Contact us
Web is a tool used to communicate with your
customers, readers or community.
It is your online showcase, and if you entrust it to us,
it will be your best showcase.
Contact information
Webikon s.r.o.
Vápenná 15, 821 04 Bratislava
IČO: 46809422
DIČ: 2023593858
IČ DPH: SK2023593858
Webikon s. r. o., represented by Ján Bočínec – Executive Manager, with registered seat at Vápenná 15, 821 04 Bratislava, ID No. 46 809 422
Invoice information
Tatra banka
IBAN: SK73 1100 0000 0029 2188 1884
Send invoices to:
[email protected]
What will we be interested in during the first contact?

Who will be the contact person in this project?
- Enter the name and email
Which phase of the project are you in?
- At the very beginning - I am looking for the complete solution
- I already have a design - I am looking for someone to develop the web
- I already have a functioning website - I need it remade