How to get ready for an initial consultation

Are you still unsure whether you need a website for your business? Of course, you can manage without one, but a good quality and aesthetic website is nowadays a crucial part of business. The most used source of information is internet, which is why it is necessary for your current or potential customers to be able to find info about your business online.

Besides that, a website can also level up your credibility. When your customers are able to find relevant information, it is easier to win them over. Before you choose an agency to make you a website, it is important to clarify a few basic things.

Which stage of the project
are you in

Do you have prepared materials that you can hand over to us so we can continue to work with them? These can include:

  • user research
  • wireframes
  • functional specification
  • logo/design manual
  • graphic design
  • marketing plan
  • website strategy
  • google analytics

Website type

In the beginning of the process you should clarify what goal your website has. What customer needs will it fulfill.

  • E-shop - you will be selling your products or services
  • Blog - you want to be sharing information in the form of articles
  • Prezentačný web - you want to present your company online so that you can be traceable and people can reach you
  • Kombinácia - a web that consists of all the elements from the previous examples

Target audience

Your website should be designed according to your customers’ requirements. It should include all of the information they need and search for. Do you know your customers? Don’t be afraid to ask what they would prefer, what they find interesting, and what they expect from your website.

User research can help you understand you target audience better.

Website’s content
and design

Depending on what type of website you will need and customers will be looking for on it or what information you want to convey to customers, focus on its content and how it will look.

Will the website contain a photo gallery to showcase your work? A contact form so that your customers can easily contact you or ask any questions? When it comes to an e-shop, don’t forget to think about payment and delivery options.

Further questions that can be asked during the initial consultation

  • Can you provide us a design preview or other design related materials?
  • What marketing/business goals should the website cover and how are you planning on measuring the project’s successfulness?
  • When do you plan on launching the website? Do you have any marketing or other activities tied with it?
  • Are you interested in a complex solution - from analysis, design, technical implementation, to deployment and maintenance? Or is a different agency taking care of some part of the process?
  • How many language mutations are you planning on having? Will the translated content be of the same volume as the original?
  • Do you any prepared content, photos, any other content documents, or are you thinking on getting them from us or someone else?
  • Do you need our help picking hosting/server?
  • Are you interested in a long-term support and monitoring from us?
  • Are there any special user needs we should consider while designing? (limited connection areas / less technically savvy users / language / only for desktop/mobile etc.)
  • Do you have a set budget, or at least your maximum limit you can invest into the project?